Home Montgomery Jean Spillman: Interest in nostalgia flourishes after political burnout

Jean Spillman: Interest in nostalgia flourishes after political burnout

We, at this point have had enough of political everything. It is almost like a truce has been called for a while. Many of us are looking for something we can call positive. Everything has been said, done and re-done, and we just need a break. What I am seeing more and more on Facebook and in conversations is instead of political rants; it is nostalgia. Sights like “Remembering the 40s-80s” and where were you when … ?” “What show did you watch when you can home from school or do you know what this is (an old wringer type washer, or a butter churn, or a dial phone etc.?)” Others are about music and videos of old songs and old singers.

from yourconroenews.com
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