Home Conroe A Rotary Moment: PDG Doris Lockey selected as Rotary International representative

A Rotary Moment: PDG Doris Lockey selected as Rotary International representative

A Rotary Moment: PDG Doris Lockey selected as Rotary International representative

So much wonderful news coming from our Lake Conroe communities this week. Isn’t it nice to have good things to report these days?. Our very own Doris Lockey, Past District Governor, and Past President of both the Conroe and Lake Conroe Clubs (and current member of RCLC) has been selected to serve as the District 5910 Council Representative to Rotary International. This is a three year term for 2020-2023,which Doris will execute while also serving as President of RCLC during the 2021/2022 Rotary year. That’s our Doris! I’ve always said she retired from 42 years of dedicated service at The Social Security Administration on a Friday and began her (unpaid) full time job with Rotary the next Monday, without taking a breath. We could not have a better advocate for us and for the great work of Rotary. Congratulations Doris!

from yourconroenews.com
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