Home Montgomery County How to make sure real estate, stocks end up where you want them

How to make sure real estate, stocks end up where you want them

How to make sure real estate, stocks end up where you want them

Q. My husband and I own a home that we bought 20 years ago. In our wills, my husband and I leave everything to each other. We will soon be updating our wills, and we both want to make sure his children will have no access to the home if he should die first. Is it true that if my husband dies before me, his kids will get half of our home? I can’t understand how that can be. I have no children of my own so that is not an issue.

Original Article: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/article/How-to-make-sure-real-estate-stocks-end-up-where-16583224.php

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