Home Montgomery Social Lites – Bentwater

Social Lites – Bentwater

For all you MOBsters out there (and you newcomers who aspire to be), you might want to make a note that the Men Of Bentwater typically take the summer off and resumes their activities in September. This year has been nothing if not different and, being cautious to minimize any exposure to that thing that has controlled your lives for months, the MOB decided it’s a bit too early to resume full activities just yet, so no September meeting. You know, it’ll be interesting to look back at some point and see what this was really all about but, for the moment, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Just keep moving and follow the MOB, which Lou Askew tells me is still intending to hold their annual Oktoberfest in late October. According to Lou, it’s been scientifically proven that the combination of beer and Brätwurst is a perfect antidote that keeps MOBsters impervious to that other kind of corona. Okay, I made that last part up. Lou didn’t really say that. But, I know it to be true because I read it on the Internet. More on the beer and brats in coming weeks.

from yourconroenews.com
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