Home Montgomery County 38-year-old Montgomery County man pleads guilty to sexually exploiting child, producing child porn

38-year-old Montgomery County man pleads guilty to sexually exploiting child, producing child porn

38-year-old Montgomery County man pleads guilty to sexually exploiting child, producing child porn

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Texas – A 38-year-old Montgomery County man has pleaded guilty to charges of sexually exploiting a child as well as possessing child pornography, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced Wednesday. James Aubrey Zachary Wasson faces a minimum of 15 years in prison and up to 30 years…

Original Article: https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/09/27/38-year-old-montgomery-county-man-pleads-guilty-to-sexually-exploiting-child-producing-child-porn/

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