Home Montgomery County A Rotary Moment: M-COPE shares awareness about Fentanyl crisis at Lake Conroe club

A Rotary Moment: M-COPE shares awareness about Fentanyl crisis at Lake Conroe club

A Rotary Moment: M-COPE shares awareness about Fentanyl crisis at Lake Conroe club

Our Rotary programs are varied and cover everything from Rotary projects to our schools to our community leaders. Our Program Directors strive to keep them interesting and relevant, and yes, often entertaining. And then every now and then a speaker comes to us with a message that may be painful, but needs to be heard. Such was the case last week at The Rotary Club of Lake Conroe.
The speaker for the week was Sarah Hall, one of the four founders of The Montgomery County Overdose Prevention Endeavor (M-COPE). Sarah experienced the grief and heart ache of a drug…

Original Article: https://www.yourconroenews.com/neighborhood/moco/events/article/a-rotary-moment-m-cope-shares-awareness-about-17804423.php

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