Home Montgomery County Man arrested in Conroe for alleged possession of child pornography

Man arrested in Conroe for alleged possession of child pornography

Man arrested in Conroe for alleged possession of child pornography

CONROE, Texas — A 46-year-old man was arrested Tuesday after authorities executed a search warrant at his residence in the Harpers Preserve subdivision. Constable Ryan Gables’ Criminal Investigations Division, with assistance from the Texas Department of Public Safety, the La Porte Police Department, the Texas City Police Department, the Pearland Police Department, the United States Secret Service, and the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office, conducted the search, according to a statement from the Montgomery County Precinct 3 Constable’s Office.

Original Article: https://www.mytexasdaily.com/upper-gulf-coast/man-arrested-in-conroe-for-alleged-possession-of-child-pornography/article_c9910cd6-a0ec-5478-9ad6-c9eabf99ff11.html

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