Home Montgomery County Scuba instructor in The Woodlands arrested, accused of possessing and distributing child porn

Scuba instructor in The Woodlands arrested, accused of possessing and distributing child porn

Scuba instructor in The Woodlands arrested, accused of possessing and distributing child porn

A joint operation led to the arrest of scuba instructor in Tomball, accused in a child pornography case. On May 29, Constable Ryan Gable’s Criminal Investigations Division, with help from the Houston Metro Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce, Houston Police Department, and La Porte Police Department, executed a search warrant at a home in Tomball.

Original Article: https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/06/04/scuba-instructor-arrested-accused-of-possessing-and-distributing-child-porn-after-joint-operation-at-tomball-home/

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