Home Montgomery County The Woodlands sees crime level off from 2021 spike, but fraud and scams are on the rise

The Woodlands sees crime level off from 2021 spike, but fraud and scams are on the rise

The Woodlands sees crime level off from 2021 spike, but fraud and scams are on the rise

Montgomery County law enforcement officials say crime is leveling off in The Woodlands after a spike in 2021 but fraud and scams are on the rise. Capt. Tim Holifield with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office said crime has ticked back up after a drop in 2020 due to lockdown conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Crimes where scammers target teens and elderly have Holifield urging residents to be aware, especially during the holiday season.

Original Article: https://www.yourconroenews.com/neighborhood/moco/news/article/Fraud-scams-increasing-in-The-Woodlands-17624251.php

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