Home Montgomery County Single Fire Sprinkler Extinguishes Fire in Occupied Preschool in Montgomery County

Single Fire Sprinkler Extinguishes Fire in Occupied Preschool in Montgomery County

Single Fire Sprinkler Extinguishes Fire in Occupied Preschool in Montgomery County

Exhaust fan caught fire in bathroom adjacent to classroom, activating nearby sprinkler head and fire alarm system. (Photo Credit: Montgomery Fire Department) MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TX — Just after 8am Tuesday morning, the Montgomery County Fire Dispatch Center received a call from an alarm company reporting a water flow alarm at the ABC Academy in west Montgomery County. Fire Crews from the Montgomery Fire Department were immediately dispatched to investigate, but within moments a second caller from the school reported smoke in the building and that they were evacuating the children. The first unit from the Montgomery Fire Department arrived while the caller was still on the line, reporting that the school was evacuating and confirming that there was smoke in one of the classrooms.

Original Article: https://www.woodlandsonline.com/npps/story.cfm?nppage=72701

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