About 3:45 Friday afternoon a Montgomery County Precinct 3 Deputy Constable encountered two black males who ran from the deputy from the garden center of the Walmart on SH 99 near Rayford Road. One was captured almost immediately. The other ran to the Legends Run Subdivision and started jumping fences and running through yards. After just over an hour with Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and DPS assisting along with multiple residents reporting sightings, Zaylyn Cooks, 19, was taken into custody. Cooks was out on a $30,000 bond from Harris County for manslaughter. On Friday, July 12, 2019, at approximately 2:40 pm, Harris County patrol deputies responded to a possible shooting at 7303 Spring Cypress Road. Units arrived on the scene and learned that a 15-year-old male, Jordan Angel, was shot and taken by private auto to a nearby hospital. The juvenile victim was pronounced dead at the hospital with a single gunshot wound to the head. The suspect, 17-year-old Zaylyn Cooks, told investigators that he pointed a pistol at the victim and pulled the trigger not knowing there was a live round of ammunition chambered in the weapon. There is no indication that there was an altercation that led up to the shooting. Several other teens were in the apartment and at the time of the incident and provided statements that support evidence at the scene and the statement of Mr. Cooks. The Harris County District Attorney’s Office was contacted and accepted the charge of Manslaughter against Mr. Cooks. Cooks was booked into the Harris County Jail for said charge. In September of 2020, a bond violation report was filed with the court for Cooks not complying with curfew hours and not paying fees. Judge Gary Glass decided to release him and let him continue his freedom on bond. Then on December 7, 2020, another violation report was filed with the court after Cooks removed his GPS leg monitor and receiving two new cases in Dallas County on December 5, 2020, including aggravated robbery and evading arrest. This time Judge Glass revoked his bond.

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