Home Conroe Pan American Round Table: Club installs new officers after pandemic delay

Pan American Round Table: Club installs new officers after pandemic delay

Pan American Round Table: Club installs new officers after pandemic delay

Installation of officers of the Pan American Round Table Conroe was delayed from May because of the pandemic. On Sept. 8, the officers were installed by Becky Judah, past Director. Janet Emmons is the new Director with the color purple that represents leadership and embodies what it means to be a Pan American woman. Becky Judah is associate director with the color red that signifies spirit and gives lively spirit to our group. The new recording secretary is Jean Heasley with the color blue as the symbol of truth and records the true happenings of the group. Jo Chesney is the corresponding secretary with the color yellow that stands for light to enlighten members of written happenings. Woody Hearn is continuing to be treasurer with the color white that represents trust with the money. Ricki Dewey (not pictured) is parliamentarian with the colored blue and gold which are the colors of our Pan American Round Table seal. The historian is Cheryl Jett with the color lavender that represents joy for the memories. The new custodian is Marilyn Summers with the color gray that represents dependability and she is in charge of flags and name tags. Paula Schoppe with the color orange alerts and informs through electronic communications.

from yourconroenews.com
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