Home Conroe A Rotary Moment: Rotarians carrying out ‘Service above self’ even during pandemic

A Rotary Moment: Rotarians carrying out ‘Service above self’ even during pandemic

A Rotary Moment: Rotarians carrying out ‘Service above self’ even during pandemic

A dear friend of Rotary, who is a past Conroe Rotary Club President with a brilliant sense of humor and a very dry wit, recently did a hilarious Facebook post, venting a bit about our current global situation. Can we all relate? This was posted just as the double threat hurricanes were approaching the Texas Gulf Coast. He said in part “it’s 2020 so why shouldn’t we have a double hurricane? (After all, we have…) worldwide pandemic, wildfires in California … my grandkids can’t attend school, everyone looks like a bank robber, locust swarms in Africa and Asia…” He went on with more personal and very funny musings before closing with “I will not be shocked when a UFO lands before year-end and we have an alien invasion! C’mon man!”

from Houston Chronicle
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